But there is a consolation in the hardship: “... you (Jesus) were right to add: “And you will find rest for your souls.” And what is this yoke of yours that does not weary, but gives rest? 

It is, of course, that first and greatest commandment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart.” What is easier, sweeter, more pleasant, than to love goodness, beauty, and love, the fullness of which you are, O Lord, my God?”

Take a look below for some of my photographs capturing this beauty that the Lord calls us to.

“Who would not be glad to bear a yoke that does not press hard, but caresses?
Who would not be glad for a burden that does not weigh heavy, but refreshes?”
-St. Robert Bellarmine

In marriage, the couple receives this yoke. This beauty + weight. And I think the beautiful weight leads to sacred awe, the fear of the Lord that is a gift of the Holy Spirit.

And yes, in all vocations there is hardship with the heaviness.

 bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh.
- Genesis 2:23

This one, at last, is

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